Saturday, February 18, 2012

We bought a mattress!!!

Since Steven and I have been together he's had this terrible hand-me-down mattress that I absolutely hate. It was handed down to him by his brother and who knows who or where his brother got it from or how old it is. It's super firm which he loves and I hate and it has springs poking through which I can feel but Steven can't.

It was time for a new mattress so when a Groupon deal came around, we jumped on it. It was $50 for $200 worth of mattress at Sit N Sleep.We went in last night to check it out.They had a fancy machine that determines each person's perfect mattress type. Of course, Steven was far into the "medium firm" region and I was in the far "medium soft" region. So we tried just about every (reasonable priced) mattress in the store and we couldn't agree on any. The ones I loved, he hated and vice versa. Though they also had the super fancy section of mattresses that have half of the mattress firm and the other half soft. Perfection. Except it was also $3100.

The kind salesman at the store said they were selling out that item and that we could have the floor model for $1300. We somehow accidentally talked him down to giving it to us for $1150. We got $100 off because we mentioned a Sit N Sleep promotion which actually didn't apply to the mattress we were getting but he gave it to us anyway. Plus, we mentioned that we had a Groupon which also didn't apply to the mattress but he said he would give us the same $50 off that we paid for the Groupon AND we could still get our money back for the Groupon. He also threw in a free set of sheets!!! The delivery is also free as is the removal of our old mattress.

So yeah, on Sunday our fancy new dual sided mattress gets delivered. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of times, people will focus on just getting affordable items but not taking quality into consideration. truck mattress
