Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rubble Rubble

Well it was threatening to fall since the winds last December but it finally came down. It came down in the middle of the night with a great thud that was loud enough to wake me and our neighbor up.

Here it is just after the winds:

And here it is now:

Steven decided to pile up the blocks where the grass doesn't grow so that it doesn't kill the little amount of grass we have.

It fell so hard it actually dented the dirt underneath. See the little trench it made.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Steven and I have been very busy bees with our projects. Mine are sewing projects and Steven's been doing some wood work.

Check out our latest projects:

My new Spring dress! I apologize for the uneven hair and goofy face. I had just gotten back from yoga.

My new jacket. I can't wait for next Fall to sport this thing more often. I think it looks very Sherlock Holmes or maybe 70s Dr. Who. Note the jacket is being modeled by my new DRESS FORM!

Demonstrating the hood...

It's cinched in the back for a more feminine look.

The jacket pattern is from Sewaholic.

And Steven's project is a spool holder for me!!!

Steven also made us a mail holder/organizer since our mail always ended up everywhere. Now we have a place for it and our keys. Isn't he talented?!