Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Episode 1: We're Finally Interesting

Hello Friends and Family,

A few weeks ago Steven asked me if I wanted to start a blog for us since both of his sibs have one but we decided that we weren't interesting enough. Most of our spare time is spent watching TV and working on various things around the house--nothing to write home about. We decided that we were better off saving our stories for when we actually saw you so that we would seem more fun and interesting than we actually are.

But as it turns out we are now interesting thanks to a recent purchase of flights to Japan!!! It was sort of a spur of the moment thing that we are going so soon. I have been wanting to go to Japan for years and years and made it a goal of mine to go this year since I am done paying off my student loans. I was planning on going in the early Fall. The day that I paid my loan off in full I started looking for flights and found an unbeatable price of $623 total round trip. The only catch is that you had to go in February or March...as in this month or next month.

We couldn't pass it up. We fly out on March 15th and return on March 29th. During that time we are planning to spend 3.5 days in Tokyo, 2.5 days with my good friend Jacob Rippens (who is also affectionately known as The Slice, pictured below) in his current residence in the mountains of Japan, 2 days in Kyoto, and 2 days in Hiroshima.

This is what I imagine our trip will be like:


  1. Awesome! Both that you have a blog & your trip!

  2. Hahaha...that was my first thought when I heard about your trip! Have fun! Make Steven eat sushi! :-p

  3. That's actually a really great time to go! You can see a lot of stuff at reasonable prices, and you'll probably see the cherry blossoms bloom.

    Nice blog too :)

  4. this is now my favorite blog on the interwebs :D

  5. type color is too light on background. otherwise. very cool. --trista

  6. hmmm, this is indeed interesting stuff, though if bike were every other word on the page then you would really have my attention, however if the word kid is mentioned once then i will ban this site. so far so good. --the REAL chris
    ps- when can we expect steven to write something witty???

  7. you make me feel like i need to be more creative with blog pictures... otherwise... yey for peer pressure!

  8. D- I love it! So exciting that you're going to Japan. Bring me back something Hello Kitty from the Mother land! <3 Have fun with "The Slice" and take lots of photos. Miss you guys, glad to hear that everything is going well. *mwah
