Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dropped the Ball

Wow it's been over a month since our last post so Steven and I apologize for not updating more. We'll end up losing some of our 15 loyal readers. :)

The funny thing is that Steven and I have been working on projects and taking pictures of things so that we can blog about them, we just never get around to it.

The big news is that we're going to Mexico in 9 days! We bought a coupon (you know how Steven and I LOVE coupons) for an all inclusive resort stay at Taheima Wellness Resort in Nuevo Vallarta.

We got some pretty inexpensive flights to Guadalajara as well so we'll be flying in there and taking a bus to Nuevo Vallarta for the low, low price of $40 round trip! We'll get to see two cities in this trip which i'm very excited about. Guadalajara will be the adventurous part of the trip and relaxing on the beach for the other 5 days of the trip will be the "vacation" part.

One problem that we discovered though is that Guadalajara has a climate similar to LA. It gets kind of cold...not terribly wintery cold but cold enough to perhaps wear some layers whereas Puerto Vallarta will be in the mid to high 80s the entire time we're there. So we'll have to pack for both climates. Sort of a bummer but not the worst drawback.

We'll be sure to take plenty of pictures and post them!

In other news, I cut my hair off.

I decided maybe a year ago that I would donate my hair. I had a deadline of when to cut it since I bought a coupon (another coupon!) for a hair cut that expires this month. So I let it grow as long as possible before the coupon expiration and here are the results:

Not too shabby a cut. It feels so comfortable. My hair is straight and flat so I basically don't even have to brush it anymore and it still looks cute. I'm trying to decide if I should send my hair to Locks of Love which is a group that makes wigs for children with cancer or Pantene's Beautiful Lengths campaign which makes wigs for women. Locks of Love requires 10 inches of hair and I have about 10.5". Pantene only requires 8". I'm leaning more toward Pantene right now since everyone donates to Locks of Love and it's only for kids. Women with cancer want to look beautiful and healthy too...perhaps women have even more reason to want to wear a wig so they look healthy for their kids.

The Pantene site also had videos which really tug at the heart strings:

In Steven news, both of us signed up for LA Metro's Bike to Work day and Steven won! He won 2 tickets to Cirque du Soleil Iris. We must be pretty lucky since a few years ago I won a $50 gift card to REI. Pretty sweet. I'm telling you, biking to work has many perks!

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